Mediation, Facilitation, Coaching

Online and In Person Mediation Services

Restorative intent offers a range of ONLINE and in-person mediation services to address personal, family and workplace situations effectively and creatively.

Engaging with Conflict

If handled in a constructive and non-adversarial way, conflict presents a unique opportunity for people to learn, grow, and develop mutual understanding. Conflict situations teach us about ourselves, the ‘other(s)’ and the wider context. People can express what is important and valuable in their lives, what is missing and what they need.

Through Mediation, Facilitation, Coaching, and Restorative Practices, Restorative intent offers the support people need to make the most of this opportunity.

Based in the Hudson Valley, Restorative intent works virtually with individuals, organizations, families, and schools in greater NY, across the North East and beyond.